Japan Inn Web Redesign
Web redesign for a local restaurant website
Japan Inn is a local Japanese restaurant located in North Carolina. They have been in business in the town of Greenville since 2010, serving delicious Japanese-American food.
March 2020- May 2020
Wireframe, UI Design
The Challenge
The previous website design was too outdated so my client requested more modern and simpler visuals. They also requested it to be brighter in color as the older version utilized a darker theme with light-colored text. The light, thin text against the dark background created difficult legibility for several of the menu subcategories. Overall the previous website also had many inconsistencies with font type and font size.
The Previous Design
First, I analyzed the previous website and created sticky notes of important functions, and organized them under each page. Then I sketched some rough ideas of the layout on paper.
Paper sketches
Low-fi sketches Figma
I created a few different mid-fi sketches in Figma of the homepage and menu pages to show to my client